You have a :
[x] Mother
[x] Father
[ ] Step-Father
[ ] Step-mother
[ ] Step-siblings
[ ] Brother
[x] Sister
[ ] Nephew
[ ] Niece
[x] Cell phone
[ ] Own bathroom
[x] own room
[ ] Swimming pool
[ ] Hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[x] Computer
[x] TV
[x] Fullsize or bigger bed.
[x] More than 4 pairs of shoes
[x] Sunglasses
[x] Watch
[x] MP3 Player/iPod
[x] PS2 that works
[ ] Nintendo Wii
[ ] Xbox that works
[ ] Nintendo 64 that works
[x] Gameboy/ Advance
[ ] Gamecube
[ ] nintendo ds
TOTAL so far: 13
[ ] Poker table
[ ] Basketball hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[x] Ping pong table
[ ] Fooseball
TOTAL so far: 14
[ ] Nightstand (w00t?)
[x] Stereo in bedroom
[x] CD Player
[ ] Have something from Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister/ AE
[x] Parents give you credit card/atm card
TOTAL so far: 17
[x] Job
[x]Goes shopping at least once a week
[ ]Expensive cologne/perfume
[x]Camera/video camera
[x] Phone
[x] Electric or gas scooter/motorcycle/car/fourwheeler
[x] Guitar/Drums/Bass guitar
[x] Piano/Keyboard
[x] Any other instrument
[x] Been on a cruise
[x] Traveled out of the province/state
[ ] Had a personal trainer
[x] Expensive jewelery
[x] Met a celebrity, porn star counts!
[x] Straightener/curling iron
[ ] Have been to a batting cage
[ ] Have $100 on you right now
[x] Credit card, debit card or bank card
[x] Been to Europe
[ ] Been to Hawaii
[ ] Been to Washington D.C
[ ] Been to LA
[ ] Been to Florida
[ ] Been to Las Vegas
[ ] Been to the Bahamas
Total SO FAR: 33
[x] Parents have a car
[x] Jet Ski/boat
[ ] Camper/RV
[x] You have a car
[x] Home cooked meal almost every day
[x] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[x] Own a camcorder
[x] Own laptop
[ ] Own computer
End Total: 40
1-23 = Ghetto
24-33 = Average kid
34-40 = Spoiled Brat
41+ = Upper Class snob
4 kommentarer:
du kan vara lugn, det blir en off-center isf :P
det var ju du själv som sa till mig igår att jag var dum, och nej, jag tycker inte att du är otrevlig.
Jag fattade inte heller. Men hon sa att jag var lika snygg som jag är på foton jag tar på mig själv haha. Alltså såg jag photoshoppad ut igår kväll. ^^
det gick sakta, så en liten bula på bilen
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